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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Decommissioning and waste
Report Number:NKS-404
Report Title:Challenges and opportunities for improving Nordic nuclear decommissioning
Activity Acronym:NORDEC
Authors:Espen Nystad, Grete Rindahl, Claire Taylor, István Szöke, Sizarta Sarshar,
Abstract:The overall goal of the NorDec project has been to explore challenges related to how decommissioning regulation is applied, and how projects are planned and performed in the Nordic countries, as well as collect best practices and share experiences between the Nordic stakeholders. The contributions for this project came from a wide range of stakeholders, including regulators, operators and contractors, and via the use of questionnaires, interviews and a workshop. The most frequently reported decommissioning challenges were: 1) Developing and maintaining competence and motivation; 2) Regulatory oversight and decision making; and 3) Safe and effective waste characterization and clearance. Workshop participants discussed around identified challenges and possible solutions enabling organisations to build up suitable competence for overcoming these issues. This report presents the results from the project.
Keywords:Decommissioning, regulation, challenges, lessons learned
Publication date:02 Febr 2018
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-492-5
Number of downloads:1953
Download:pdf NKS-404.pdf
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