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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-398
Report Title:GammaSpec 2017 Proceedings
Activity Acronym:GammaSpec
Authors:Sven P. Nielsen, Anna Rand, Trygve Bjerk, Henrik Ramebäck, Roy Pöllänen, Gísli Jónsson,
Abstract:The GammaSpec seminar was held at Risø, Denmark, during 19-20 September 2017. Three invited lectures covered ultra-low background equipment and measurement techniques, new technologies for gamma spectrometry, and a new technique to create nuclide libraries for gamma spectrometry. Other seminar participants presented applications of gamma spectrometry in their labs. Intercomparison exercises organised for the seminar covered laboratory analyses of distributed samples (water and sediment) and desk top exercises involving gamma spectra and data for quantitative and qualitative analyses. Results of the intercomparison exercises were presented and discussed. The seminar was attended by 41 individuals from 25 organisations.
Keywords:Gamma spectrometry, calibration, intercomparison, quality
Publication date:20 Oct 2017
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-486-4
Number of downloads:2204
Download:pdf NKS-398.pdf
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