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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Severe accidents
Report Number:NKS-396
Report Title:ATR-2 Part B: Ruthenium transport in an RCS with airborne CsI
Activity Acronym:ATR-2
Authors:Teemu Kärkelä, Ivan Kajan, Unto Tapper, Ari Auvinen, Christian Ekberg,
Abstract:In the NKS-R ATR-2 activity (year 2015) by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd and Chalmers University of Technology the aim was to study the effect of the air radiolysis products N2O, NO2, HNO3 (see Part A) and CsI aerosol (see Part B) on the transport of gaseous and particulate ruthenium species through a model primary circuit. The main outcomes of the airborne CsI effect on Ru behaviour are shortly summarized in this document (Part B). A detailed description was published as a scientific journal paper (open-access): Kärkelä, T., Kajan, I., Tapper, U., Auvinen, A., Ekberg, C., 2017. Ruthenium transport in an RCS with airborne CsI, Published online 5th of May, 2017 (Progress in Nuclear Energy),
Keywords:Ruthenium, Caesium Iodide, Severe Accident, Source Term
Publication date:28 Aug 2017
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-484-0
Number of downloads:1470
Download:pdf NKS-396.pdf
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