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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-378
Report Title:Intercomparison of Nordic Unmanned Aerial Monitoring Platforms
Activity Acronym:NORDUM
Authors:Kasra Tazmani, Dag Robøle, Jon Drefvelin, Øyvind Gjølme Selnæs, Jeppe Vöge Jensen, Magnus Gårdestig, Markku Kettunen, Juha Röning,
Abstract:With the forthcoming of UAVs, new possibilities for radiological surveys have arisen. UAVs can be used as a supplement to existing measurement capabilities. UAVs makes it possible to make fast measurements in potential hazardous areas without danger to humans. The NORDUM project makes a first approach to cover and compare different systems and approaches for use of UAVs in the Nordic countries. The project shows that all Nordic countries have UAVs projects but different approaches with each different benefits. Further comparison and discussion of best practice is beyond the scope of the NORDUM project.
Keywords:Exercise, RPAS, Drones, Unmanned aerial platforms, measurements, radiation mapping
Publication date:19 Dec 2016
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-464-2
Number of downloads:7553
Download:pdf NKS-378.pdf
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