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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-355
Report Title:Internal Dosimetry Exercise for enhanced Ability
Activity Acronym:IDEA
Authors:Bogi Brimer Árnason, Justin Brown, Lilián del Risco Norrlid, Torbjørn Gäfvert, Mats Isaksson, Asser Nyander Poulsen,
Abstract:Within the previously performed NKS-projects THYROID and THYROIDSEM, it became evident that there were large variations in the estimates of internal (thyroid) dose. The current activity was therefore initiated to enhance the ability to make correct calculations of internal dose following a release of radionuclides. A seminar/course about internal dosimetry calculations with the internal dosimetry program IMBA has been arranged. After the seminar, a number of scenarios, relevant for emergency preparedness, were distributed to authorities and departments involved in the Nordic emergency preparedness. The scenarios were also distributed to companies engaged in nuclear technology. The exercises have shown that there is a wide variety of evaluation procedures, depending on the experience and the skill of the assessor as well as on assessment tools available. There is still a need for adequate training, experience and quality control. Such intercomparison exercises should be repeated on a regular basis. It is recommended that dose assessors in the Nordic countries frequently attend training (refreshing) activities that gather a number of experts and colleagues.
Keywords:Internal dosimetry, intercomparison, dose estimations, course, scenarios
Publication date:15 Jan 2016
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-439-0
Number of downloads:3492
Download:pdf NKS-355.pdf
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