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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Radioecological assessments
Report Number:NKS-350
Report Title:NORM-related Mining in Nordic Countries: Legislation, practices and case studies
Activity Acronym:NORMIN
Authors:Dina Solatie, Antti Kallio, Kaisa Vaaramaa, Eija Venelampi, Jarkko Kyllönen, Per Roos, Sven P. Nielsen, Laura S. Lauri, Marte Varpen Holmstrand, Jelena Mrdakovic Popic, Håkan Pettersson, Mila Pelkonen, Tiina Rasilainen, Ari-Pekka Leppänen,
Abstract:The aim of the project was to explain and compare the current state, legislation and practices concerning naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) -related mining in the Nordic countries. The focus was on the mines that are aiming at off-taking of uranium as a co-product or a by-product, or are processing ores, which contain high levels of NORMs. The project concentrated on investigating how the environmental factors and different origins of radionuclides affected their activity concentrations and transfer factors in ore, soil, water and vegetation.
Keywords:NORM, mining, uranium
Publication date:07 Sept 2015
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-434-5
Number of downloads:5175
Download:pdf NKS-350.pdf
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