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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-311
Report Title:Communicating Dispersion Modelling Results to the Public
Activity Acronym:PUBPLUME
Authors:Jan Erik Dyve, Steen Hoe,
Abstract:The PUBPLUME project addresses use of dispersion prognosis as a tool in public communication during a nuclear or radiological accident. The motivation is experience from the Fukushima accident when such products where asked for by the media. The project aimed at making a guideline on how such prognoses can be produced and designed in a way that makes them comprehensible for the general public. Second, it aimed at establishing a common Nordic guideline in order to establish trust in such products across borders. The report gives an overview of what kind of dispersion products are available today, the main sources of uncertainty and how to handle them. It summarises important requirements for successful public communication in a crisis situation in order to justify use of dispersion prognoses. Finally, it gives examples of dispersion prognoses for public use, and discusses their content and attributes.
Keywords:Dispersion prognosis, public communication, decision support systems, emergency management
Publication date:16 Jun 2014
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-389-8
Number of downloads:2734
Download:pdf NKS-311.pdf
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