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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Radioecological assessments
Report Number:NKS-294
Report Title:Doses from natural radioactivity in wild mushrooms and berries to the Nordic population
Activity Acronym:BERMUDA
Authors:Tuukka Turtiainen, Minna Brunfeldt, Tiina Rasilainen, Lindis Skipperud, Lene Valle, Jelena Mrdakovic Popic, Per Roos, Synnöve Sundell-Bergman, Klas Rosén, Robert Weimer,
Abstract:Soil-to-berry and soil-to-mushroom transfer factors of naturally occurring radionuclides were studied in four Nordic countries. The transfer factors of uranium and thorium to both mushrooms and berries were very low, <0.001, and their concentration in mushrooms and berries contributed little to the effect dose among consumers. Transfer factors of radium isotopes to berries ranged 0.06–0.53 while those of lead and polonium had a larger range, 0.001–0.14. In the berries studied, radium isotopes, lead and polonium contributed to the effective dose approx. equal proportions. The proportion of Cs-137 was only 20% of the studied berry samples. In mushrooms, the most significant contribution to the effective dose was from Cs-137 and Po-210, about equal proportions in the studied samples. All in all, the effective doses among average consumers and the most consuming persons were below 100 µSv per year. Therefore, risk communication is not regarded necessary.
Keywords:natural radioactivity, berry, mushroom, transfer factor, gathered food, effective dose
Publication date:03 Jan 2014
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-370-6
Number of downloads:2787
Download:pdf NKS-294.pdf
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