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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Technology
Report Number:NKS-275
Report Title:Mobile Measurement Systems, Final Report from NKS-B MOMS (Contract: AFT/B(12)4)
Activity Acronym:MOMS
Authors:Johannes Nilssen, Helle Karina Aage, Sigurður Emil Pálsson,
Abstract:Mobile car-borne measurement systems are an important asset in early phase emergency response in all Nordic countries. However, through the development of the systems in the different countries, there are considerable differences between the systems developed. This complicates Nordic cooperation and mutual assistance in emergency situations. This project aimed to facilitate harmonization of mobile measurement systems between the Nordic countries. The project focused on harmonizing data formats, information exchange and measurement strategies. Although the work done was funded by each member, the project established a good platform for cooperation which will hopefully continue beyond the scope of the project. A two-day seminar was held in May 2012, where all participants presented the current status (equipment, methods used etc.), in addition to invited speakers presenting development within the field of mobile detection and in situ measurements. Exchange of experiences and information on different measurement systems and practises in use was an important part of the seminar. The seminar was followed up by a small workshop during the REFOX exercise in Lund, Sweden, September 2012. Exchange of measurement data from the exercise was facilitated through a workspace proveded by NRPA as part of the MOMS project. The work done in this project will be presented at the NordEx12 seminar in March 2013.
Keywords:Mobile measurement systems, detection systems, emergency preparedness, harmonization, data exchange, measurement strategies
Publication date:14 Febr 2013
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-349-2
Number of downloads:3397
Download:pdf NKS-275.pdf
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