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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-270
Report Title:Nordic Forum for Generation IV Reactors, Status and activities in 2012
Activity Acronym:Nordic-Gen4
Authors:Rudi Van Nieuwenhove, Bent Lauritzen, Erik Nonbøl,
Abstract:The Nordic-Gen4 (continuation from NOMAGE4) seminar was this year hosted by DTU Nutech at Risø, Denmark. The seminar was well attended (49 participants from 12 countries). The presentations covered many aspects in Gen-IV reactor research and gave a good overview of the activities within this field at the various institutes and universities. Participants had the possibility to visit the Danish Decommissioning site.
Keywords:Nordic-Gen4, seminar, Risø
Publication date:11 Dec 2012
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-343-0
Number of downloads:2717
Download:pdf NKS-270.pdf
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