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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-257
Report Title:Radiation survey meters used for environmental monitoring
Activity Acronym:GammaRate
Authors:Hans Bjerke (editor), Thorgeir Sigurdsson, Kurt Meier Pedersen, Jan-Erik Grindborg, Linda Persson, Teemu Siiskonen, Arvi Hakanen, Antti Kosunen
Abstract:The Nordic dosimetry group set up the GammaRate project to investigate how its expertise could be used to assure appropriate usage of survey meters in environmental monitoring. Considerable expertise in calibrating radiation instruments exists in the Nordic radiation protection authorities. The Swedish, Finnish, Danish and Norwegian authorities operate Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories (SSDLs) that provide users with calibration traceable to internationally recognised primary standards. These authorities together with the Icelandic authorities have formally cooperated since 2002 in the field of radiation dosimetry. Dosimetry is the base for assesment of risk from ionising radiation and calibration of instruments is an imported part in dosimetry. The Nordic dosimetry group has been focused on cancer therapy. This work extends the cooperation to the dosimetry of radiation protection and environmental monitoring. This report contains the formal, theoretical and practical background for survey meter measurements. Nordic standards dosimetry laboratories have the capability to provide traceable calibration of instruments in various types of radiation. To verify and explore this further in radiation protection applications a set of survey instruments were sent between the five Nordic countries and each of the authority asked to provide a calibration coefficient for all instruments. The measurement results were within the stated uncertainties, except for some results from NRPA for the ionchamber based instrument. The comparison was shown to be a valuable tool to harmonize the calibration of radiation protection instruments in the Nordic countries. Dosimetry plays an important role in the emergency situations, and it is clear that better traceability and harmonised common guidelines will improve the emergency preparedness and health.
Keywords:Dosimetry, radiation protection, radiation survey meter, calibration, comparison, operational quantities
Publication date:01 Jan 2012
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-329-4
Number of downloads:12546
Download:pdf NKS-257.pdf
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