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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:EKO-3-3-ieae-bl
Report Title:Dose Rate Measurements and Action Levels in the Event of a Nuclear Accident: Variational Analysis
Activity Acronym:EKO-3
Authors:Bent Lauritzen, Ulf Bäverstam
Abstract:Dose rate measurements are analysed as being early indicators of the range of avertable doses in the event of a nuclear accident. The extent to which dose rates and avertable doses are correlated is evaluated in a Monte Carlo study, using two years of cumulated meteorological data. The study is carried out for three different release scenarios from a nuclear power plant, and the avertable doses and dose rates are obtained in an atmospheric dispersion model calculation. It is shown that dose rate measurements carried out in the early phases after an accident may provide a valuable tool for decision support, and action levels of dose rates may be defined for the purpose of assisting a rapid emergency response.
Publication date:01 Jan 1972
Number of downloads:4
Download:pdf EKO-3-3-ieae-bl.pdf
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