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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-216
Report Title:Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum for Generation IV Reactors
Activity Acronym:NOMAGE4
Authors:Clara Anghel, Sami Penttilä
Abstract:A network for material issues for Generation IV nuclear power has been initiated within the Nordic countries. The objectives of the Generation IV Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum (NOMAGE4) are to put the basis of a sustainable forum for Gen IV issues, especially focusing on fuels, cladding, structural materials and coolant interaction. Other issues include reactor physics, dynamics and diagnostics, core and fuel design. The present report summarizes the work performed during the year 2009. The efforts made include identification of organisations involved in Gen IV issues in the Nordic countries, update of the forum website,, and investigation of capabilities for research within the area of Gen IV. Within the NOMAGE4 project a seminar on Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems has been organized during 15-16th of October 2009. The aim of the seminar was to provide a forum for exchange of information, discussion on future research needs and networking of experts on Generation IV reactor concepts. As an outcome of the NOMAGE4, a few collaboration project proposals have been prepared/planned in 2009. The network was welcomed by the European Commission and was mentioned as an exemplary network with representatives from industries, universities, power companies and research institutes. NOMAGE4 has been invited to participate to the "European Energy Research Alliance, EERA, workshop for nuclear structural materials" as external observers. Future plans include a new Nordic application for continuation of NOMAGE4 network.
Keywords:Generation IV nuclear reactors; Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum; NOMAGE4
Publication date:01 Mar 2010
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-286-0
Number of downloads:1780
Download:pdf NKS-216.pdf
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