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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-183
Report Title:Sampling in forests for radionuclide analysis. ? General and practical guidance
Activity Acronym:FOREST
Authors:Lasse Aro, Agneta H. Plamboeck, Aino Rantavaara, Elisabeth Strålberg, Virve Vetikko
Abstract:The NKS project FOREST was established to prepare a guide for sampling in forest ecosystems for radionuclide analysis. The aim of this guide is to improve the reliability of datasets generated in future studies by promoting the use of consistent, recommended practices, thorough documentation of field sampling regimes and robust preparation of samples from the forest ecosystem. The guide covers general aims of sampling, the description of major compartments of the forest ecosystem and outlines key factors to consider when planning sampling campaigns for radioecological field studies in forests. Recommended and known sampling methods for various sample types are also compiled and presented. The guide focuses on sampling practices that are applicable in various types of boreal forests, robust descriptions of sampling sites, and documentation of the origin and details of individual samples. The guide is intended for scientists, students, forestry experts and technicians who appreciate the need to use sound sampling procedures in forest radioecological projects. The guide will hopefully encourage readers to participate in field studies and sampling campaigns, using robust techniques, thereby fostering competence in sampling.
Keywords:Forest; sampling; radioactivity; boreal
Publication date:01 Jan 2009
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-249-5
Number of downloads:1964
Download:pdf NKS-183.pdf
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