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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Automation and control room
Report Number:NKS-178
Report Title:MORE: Management of Requirements in NPP Modernisation Projects, Final Report
Activity Acronym:MORE
Authors:Rune Fredriksen, Vikash Katta, Christian Raspotnig, Janne Valkonen,
Abstract:This report documents the work and related activities of the MORE (Management of Requirements in NPP Modernisation Projects) (NKS-R project number NKS_R_2005_47) project. This report also provides a summary of the project activities and deliverables, and discusses possible application areas. The project has aimed at the industrial utilisation of the results from the TACO: (Traceability and Communication of Requirements in Digital I&C Systems Development) (NKS-R project number NKS_R_2002_16, completed June, 2005) project, and practical application of improved approaches and methods for requirements engineering and change management. Finally, the report provides a brief description of the extended industrial network and disseminations of the results in Nordic and NKS related events such as seminars and workshops.
Keywords:Change management; requirements engineering; software engineering; software requirements; traceability; verification and validation
Publication date:01 Sept 2008
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-244-0
Number of downloads:3271
Download:pdf NKS-178.pdf
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