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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Thermo hydraulics
Report Number:NKS-167
Report Title:Characterizing Experiments of the PPOOLEX Test Facility
Activity Acronym:POOL
Authors:Markku Puustinen, Jani Laine
Abstract:This report summarizes the results of the characterizing test series in 2007 with the scaled down PPOOLEX facility designed and constructed at Lappeenranta University of Technology. Air and steam/air mixture was blown into the dry well compartment and from there through a DN200 blowdown pipe to the condensation pool (wet well). Altogether eight air and four steam/air mixture experiments, each consisting of several blows (tests), were carried out. The main purpose of the experiment series was to study the general behavior of the facility and the performance of basic instrumentation. Proper operation of automation, control and safety systems was also tested. The test facility is a closed stainless steel vessel divided into two compartments, dry well and wet well. The facility is equipped with high frequency measurements for capturing different aspects of the investigated phenomena. The general behavior of the PPOOLEX facility differs significantly from that of the previous POOLEX facility because of the closed two-compartment structure of the test vessel. Heat-up by several tens of degrees due to compression in both compartments was the most obvious evidence of this. Temperatures also stratified. Condensation oscillations and chugging phenomenon were encountered in those tests where the fraction of non-condensables had time to decrease significantly. A radical change from smooth condensation behavior to oscillating one occurred quite abruptly when the air fraction of the blowdown pipe flow dropped close to zero. The experiments again demonstrated the strong diminishing effect that non-condensable gases have on dynamic unsteady loadings experienced by submerged pool structures. BWR containment like behavior related to the beginning of a postulated steam line break accident was observed in the PPOOLEX test facility during the steam/air mixture experiments. The most important task of the research project, to produce experimental data for code simulation purposes, can be satisfactorily fulfilled with the current version of the facility. Further modifications and additions of equipment and instrumentation are, however, needed to increase the applicability of the test facility for system scale studies, too.
Keywords:Condensation pool; steam/air blowdown; non-condensable gas; pressure oscillations
Publication date:01 Jul 2008
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-232-7
Number of downloads:2998
Download:pdf NKS-167.pdf
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