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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-155
Report Title:Organisational reviews - requirements, methods and experience. Progress report 2006
Activity Acronym:OrRe
Authors:Teemu Reiman, Pia Oedewald, Björn Wahlström, Carl Rollenhagen, Ulf Kahlbom,
Abstract:Organisational reviews are important instruments in the continuous quest for improved performance. In the nuclear field there has been an increasing regulatory interest in organisational performance, because incidents and accidents often point to organisational deficiencies as one of the major precursors. Many methods for organisational reviews have been proposed, but they are mostly based on ad hoc approaches to specific problems. The absence of well-established techniques for organisational reviews has already shown to cause discussions and controversies on different levels. The aim of the OrRe project is to collect the experiences from organisational reviews carried out so far and to reflect them in a theoretical model of organisational performance. Furthermore, the project aims to reflect on the criteria for the definition of the scope and content of organisational reviews. Finally, recommendations will be made for guidance for people participating in organisational reviews. This progress report describes regulatory practices in Finland and Sweden together with some case examples of organizational reviews and assessment in both countries. Some issues of concern are raised and an outline for the next year’s work is proposed. Issues of concern include the sufficient depth of the assessment, the required competence in assessments, data and criteria problems, definition of the boundaries of the system to be assessed, and the necessary internal support and organisational maturity required for successful assessments. Finally, plans for next year's work are outlined.
Keywords:Organizational assessment; human and organizational factors; reviews; safety culture
Publication date:01 Apr 2007
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-218-1
Number of downloads:4396
Download:pdf NKS-155.pdf
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