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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-129
Report Title:RADCHEM 2005 - Radiochemical analysis in emergency and routine situations
Activity Acronym:RADCHEM
Authors:Rajdeep Sidhu (Edt)
Abstract:The report describes the work performed under the NKS-B project Radchem during 2005. RadChem-2005 has been focused towards laboratory work, and each participant has worked with improvement of existing procedures or development of new procedures. In addition an intercomparison exercise on the determiantion of natural radionuclides in ground water has been performed. Other work performed in Radchem-2005 include: • Development of new procedures for the determination of Am and Cm in environmental samples • Development of a procedure for age determination of Pu • Rapid determination of Pu using ICP-MS • Determination of U, Pu and Am in emergency situations • Sequential determination of Sr, U, Pu, Am and Cm in urine • Ultra low level measurements using ICP-MS
Keywords:Radiochemistry; natural radionuclides; intercomparison; rapid techniques; ICP-MS; actinides
Publication date:01 Apr 2006
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-191-6
Number of downloads:2343
Download:pdf NKS-129.pdf
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