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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-103
Report Title:Traceability and Communication of Requirements in Digital I&C Systems Development - Project Report 2004.
Activity Acronym:TACO
Authors:Terje Sivertsen, Rune Fredriksen, Atoosa P-J Thunem, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Janne Valkonen, Olli Ventä & Jan-Ove Andersson
Abstract:In 2004, the work has focused on providing a unified exposition on the issues studied and thereby facilitating a common approach to requirements handling, from their origins and through the different development phases. Emphasis has been put on the development of the TACO Traceability Model. The model supports understandability, communication and traceability by providing a common basis, in the form of a requirements change history, for different kinds of analysis and presentation of different requirements perspectives. Traceability is facilitated through the representation of requirements changes in terms of a change history tree built up by composition of instances of a number of change types, and by providing analysis on the basis of this representation. Much of the strength of the TACO Traceability Model is that it aims at forming the logic needed for formalising the activities related to change management and hence their further automation. The work was presented at the second TACO Industrial Seminar, which took place in Helsinki on the 8th of December 2004.
Keywords:Traceability; requirements; TACO; change management; digital I&C; systems development
Publication date:01 Apr 2005
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-162-2
Number of downloads:1966
Download:pdf NKS-103.pdf
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