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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-102
Report Title:Knowledge Management in Nordic NPPs. Summary report of the findings from the workshop.
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Abstract:The title of the reported project is “Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS) Workshop on Knowledge Management in Nordic NPPs”. One important objective of this workshop was to explore if and how knowledge retention activities could be coordinated between the various Nordic utilities. The main conclusions of the workshop can be summed up as follows: Establishing good knowledge management routines is recognized by many utilities today. However, there seem to be no real consensus on what should be focused on in the present situation. Maybe the most pressing problem is to avoid undesirable consequences of the massive retirement soon to follow. Still, there is no consensus on what those consequences might be, and what should be done to avoid them.
Keywords:Knowledge management; workshop; knowledge retention
Publication date:01 Apr 2005
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-161-4
Number of downloads:2239
Download:pdf NKS-102.pdf
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