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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-91
Report Title:Traceability and Communication of Requirements in Digital I&C Systems Development. Project Report 2003.
Activity Acronym:TACO
Authors:Terje Sivertsen, Rune Fredriksen, Atoosa P-J Thunem, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Janne Valkonen & Olli Ventä
Abstract:The overall objective of the TACO project is to improve the knowledge on principles and best practices related to the issues concretised in the pre-project. On basis of experiences in the Nordic countries, the project aims at identifying the best practices and most important criteria for ensuring effective communication in relation to requirements elicitation and analysis, understandability of requirements to all parties, and traceability of requirements through the different design phases. It is expected that the project will provide important input to the development of guidelines and establishment of recommended practices related to these activities. In the year 2003, the TACO-project concentrated on four central issues: • Representation of requirements origins • Traceability techniques • Configuration management and the traceability of requirements • Identification and categorisation of system aspects and their models The work was presented at the first TACO Industrial Seminar, which took place in Stockholm on the 12th of December 2003. The seminar was hosted by SKI.
Keywords:Traceability; requirements; Digital I&C; systems development
Publication date:01 Mar 2004
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-149-5
Number of downloads:2154
Download:pdf NKS-91.pdf
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