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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Radioecological assessments
Report Number:NKS-70
Report Title:Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Seminar on Radioecology. 25-28 February 2001, Rovaniemi, Finland
Activity Acronym:BOK-2
Authors:Erkki Ilus (editor)
Abstract:This report contains proceedings of the 8th Nordic Seminar on Radioecology held on February 25- 28, 2001 in Rovaniemi, Finland. The Seminar was arranged by STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland and supported by the NKS (Nordic Nuclear Safety Research). The previous Nordic Seminars on Radioecology were held in Norrköping, Sweden (1976), Helsingør, Denmark (1979), Hyvinkää, Finland (1982), Gol, Norway (1985), Rättvik, Sweden (1988), Torshavn, Faroe Islands (1991) and Reykjavik, Iceland (1996). The programme of the Seminar consisted of 3 invited lectures, 31 oral presentations and 22 poster presentations. A total of 72 participants from 8 countries (including Estonia and Lithuania) attended the Seminar. The Seminar was also intended to be a ‘final forum’ of the four-year NKS radioecology project, BOK-2, in which results of the project would be presented. The BOK-2 project, Radioecological and Environmental Consequences (1998-2001) was focused on the consequences of releases of man-made radionuclides into the environment. The project included 2 subprojects: Important Nordic Food Chains (BOK-2.1) and Radioactive Tracers in Nordic Sea Areas (BOK-2). The BOK- 2.1 subproject was further divided into 2 main sections: Radioecological Vulnerability (BOK-2.1.1) and Internal Doses (BOK-2.1.2), and the components of the BOK-2.2 sub-project were Seawater Transport (BOK-2.2.1) and Biological and Biogeochemical Processes (BOK-2.2.2). Twelve of the presentations in the Rovaniemi Seminar dealt with marine radioecology and 11 with terrestrial radioecology (including posters). Eight of these dealt with freshwater radioecology, 8 with methods, 6 with foodstuffs, 4 with models, 4 with whole-body counting and 2 with doses. Four presentations are published as refereed papers in Boreal Environment Research. Only abstracts of these papers are published in the present report. The Seminar was finished with a panel discussion on the future of radioecology in the Nordic countries. The Seminar itself demonstrated the vitality and wide range of Nordic radioecology.
Publication date:01 Apr 2002
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-126-6
Number of downloads:7096
Download:pdf NKS-70.pdf
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