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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis
Report Number:NKS-72
Report Title:A risk informed safety classification for a Nordic NPP
Activity Acronym:SOS-2.1
Authors:Kalle Jänkälä
Abstract:The report describes a study to develop a safety classification proposal or classification recommendations based on risks for selected equipment of a nuclear power plant. The application plant in this work is Loviisa NPP unit 1. The safety classification proposals are to be considered as an exercise in this pilot study and do not necessarily represent final proposals in a real situation. Comparisons to original safety classifications and technical specifications were made. The study concludes that it is possible to change safety classes or safety significances as considered in technical specifications and in in-service-inspections into both directions without endangering the safety or even by improving the safety.
Publication date:01 Jan 2002
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-128-2
Number of downloads:5423
Download:pdf NKS-72.pdf
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