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NKS Programme Area:
Research Area:Evaluation
Report Number:NKS-67
Report Title:Evaluering av organisasjonen - NKS-programmet 1998-2001
Activity Acronym:SEK
Authors:Martin Høiby, Statens strålevern, Norge
Abstract:This report is an evaluation of the programme period for 1998-2001. In terms of method, the basis for the evaluation is a questionnaire circulated among board members and project managers, and a review of material forwarded by the secretariat concerning finances and administrative matters. The outcome of the review above is that the overall impression given is excellent. In order to put the overall basis for the programme period on a firmer footing, the review proposes drawing up a strategic plan and separating the task of the consortium and the board. On grounds of practicality and efficiency the review recommends downsizing the board somewhat.
Publication date:01 Dec 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-122-3
Number of downloads:2307
Download:pdf NKS-67.pdf
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