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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-38
Report Title:Syn på kvalitetssäkring vid finländska och svenska kärnkraftverk samt vid Haldenreaktorn
Activity Acronym:SOS-1
Authors:Lennart Hammar, Björn Wahlström, Bengt Lidh, Teemu Reiman
Abstract:The paper reports on a study within the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research, NKS1, on quality systems at nuclear installations in Finland, Norway and Sweden. In the study a total of 74 people at the NPPs in Barsebäck, Forsmark, Loviisa, Olkiluoto, Oskarshamn and Ringhals, and at the research reactor in Halden were interviewed in the period 30 August to 13 December 2000 concerning their views in regard of quality and quality systems. The study was concluded with a seminar held in the Ringhals nuclear power plant in January 20012. The study covered a number of aspects in regard of quality management, including the quality concept, quality systems, topical quality issues and approaches, rules and procedures, competency and training, the process approach to quality management, the promotion of quality consciousness and future prospects. The study reflects the significant progress made in the management of quality in nuclear power in the Nordic countries since the early phase in the seventies. The most distinctive characteristic of today’s approach to quality is seen in that responsibility for the quality is assumed directly in conjunction with the working processes. It could be noted that the work patterns at the nuclear installations have been largely modified during the recent years as a result of persistent endeavours to continuously improve the quality of operation. Challenges were seen in currently reduced revenues due to descending electricity prices and the likely prospect of further increased regulatory safety requirements. The report is aimed for those working with quality issues at the nuclear power plants as well as for those interested in quality and quality management in general or in the safety aspects of nuclear power in particular.
Publication date:01 Jun 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-090-1
Number of downloads:2051
Download:pdf NKS-38.pdf
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