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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-31
Report Title:Behandling av säkerhetsrelaterade frågor i kärnkraftverkens ledningsgrupper, (Handling of safety issues in the senior management group at the nuclear power plants)
Activity Acronym:SOS-1
Authors:Björn Wahlström
Abstract:The report describes the results from a series of interviews, which were made in the preparation of an application for a research project to the Nuclear Fission Safety Programme of EU. The project application "Learning organisations for nuclear safety – LearnSafe" collected a consortium of 5 partners and 9 associated partners and has been assigned the reference number FIS5-2001-00066 by the European Commission. The report is written in Swedish.
Publication date:01 Febr 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-082-0
Number of downloads:1837
Download:pdf NKS-31.pdf
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