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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Radioecological assessments
Report Number:NKS-97-FR4_EKO-1
Report Title:Marine Radioecology
Activity Acronym:EKO-1
Authors:Sigurður Emil Pálsson
Abstract:Results of the EKO-1 project for the period 1994 - 1997 are summarised in this report. The aim of the project was to make a joint Nordic study on radionuclides in sediment and water and the interaction between these two phases. Relatively less emphasis has been put on this factor compared to others in previous Nordic studies on marine radioecology. For some of the participating countries this work was the first of its kind undertaken. The project work involved field, laboratory and model studies. Results of the study have appeared in various scientific journal and it has formed the bases for two Ph.D. theses and two M.Sc. theses.
Publication date:01 Jun 1998
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-024-3
Number of downloads:3007
Download:pdf NKS-97-FR4_EKO-1.pdf
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