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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:NKS-97-AFA-8
Report Title:Characterisation of long-lived low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes in the Nordic countries
Activity Acronym:AFA-1
Authors: , Knud Brodersen, Steinar Backe, Steen Carugati, Tord Walderhaug, Malgorzata Sneve, Sverre Hornkjøl, Torbjörn Carlsson, Pekka Viitanen
Abstract:The present report is a final report from a study on characterisation of radioactive wastes in the Nordic countries. The study has mainly been focused on long-lived low and intermediate level radioactive waste. Methods to measure or estimate the activity content and the general composition are discussed. Recommendations are given regarding characterisation of waste under treatment and characterisation of already produced waste packages.
Publication date:01 Nov 1997
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-019-7
Number of downloads:4060
Download:pdf NKS-97-AFA-8.pdf
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