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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:TemaNord 1995:606
Report Title:Nordic Nuclear Emergency Exercises
Activity Acronym:BER-5
Authors: , Erling Stranden, Anneli Salo
Abstract:This report describes two Nordic emergency exercises, engaging primarily decision makers in the five countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). The main objective was to test and harmonize Nordic decision making in an emergency situation. Both exercises were conducted simultaneously in all five countries. In the first exercise, NORA, an acute-phase emergency situation was simulated, involving two colliding naval vessels. The second exercise, ODIN, dealt with a late-phase fallout situation following a reactor accident outside the Nordic region. The practical organization of these two large regional exercises is described. Difficulties and problems are discussed, and the evaluators' reports from the two exercises summarized. Objectives, scenario, participating organizations, number of staff, necessary facilities and other crucial issues are presented. The lessons learned from the Nordic exercise program, as presented in this report, might serve as valuable input to future international exercises.
Publication date:01 Jun 1995
ISBN:ISBN: 92-9120-748-9
Number of downloads:2542
Download:pdf 003.pdf
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