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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Reactor Safety
Report Number:TemaNord 1994:544
Report Title:Nordic studies in reactor safety
Activity Acronym:SIK
Authors:Bengt Pershagen (edt.)
Abstract:The SIK programme in reactor safety is part of a major joint Nordic research effort in nuclear safety. The report summarizes the achievements of the SIK programme, which was carried out during 1990-1993 in collaboration between Nordic nuclear utilities, safety authorities, and research institutes. Three main projects were successfully completed dealing with: (1) development and application of a living PSA concept for monitoring the risk of core damage, and of safety indicators for early warning of possible safety problems; (2) review and intercomparison of severe accident codes, case studies of potential core melt accidents in Nordic reactors, development of chemical models for the MAAP code, and outline of a system for computerized accident management support; (3) compilation of information about design and safety features of neighbouring reactors in Germany, Lithuania and Russia, and of naval reactors and nuclear submarines. The report reviews the state-of-the-art in each subject matter as an introduction to the individual project summaries. The main findings of each project are highlighted. The report also contains an overview of reactor safety research in the Nordic countries and a summary of fundamental reactor safety principles.
Publication date:01 Dec 1994
ISBN:ISBN: 92-9120-461-1
Number of downloads:3938
Download:pdf 018.PDF
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