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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:NKS 1994-001
Report Title:The Nordic programme on waste and decommisioning (KAN) 1990-93
Activity Acronym:KAN
Authors:Johan Andersson
Abstract:The present document is a short summary of the 1990-1993 NKS nuclear waste programme. The programme includes 5 projects: Criteria and procedures for the clearance of radioactive material (the KAN-1.1 project) Experience from decommissioning of a uranium reprocessing pilot plant (the KAN-1.2 project) Conservation and retrieval of information (the KAN-1.3 project) Cleanup of large radioactive contaminated areas and disposal of the generated waste (the KAN-2 project) Climatological processes of importance for the long term stability of a repository for radioactive waste (the KAN-3 project)
Publication date:01 Mar 1994
Number of downloads:1812
Download:pdf 144.PDF
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