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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:TemaNord 1994:567
Report Title:Cleanup of Large Radioactive-contaminated Areas and Disposal of Generated Waste
Activity Acronym:KAN-2
Authors:Jukka Letho (edt.)
Abstract:This report summarizes the results of the Nordic KAN-2 project. The purpose is to provide basic data and methodology to improve the planning of countermeasures for nuclear accidents. Special attention is paid to the tail-end topics of the cleanup process: Management and disposal of radioactive waste ensuing the cleanup of large areas after nuclear accidents. The results cover the following: A scenario of the amounts and activity concentrations of cleanup waste, description of the options for transportation and final disposal of the waste, costs of transportation and final disposal, justification-optimization and cost-benefit analyses. Experimental research was carried out in two areas: 1) scraping of surface soil layers and construction of a final disposal site for contaminated soil and 2) interactions of concrete with contaminated soil.
Publication date:01 Febr 1994
ISBN:ISBN: 92-9120-488-9
Number of downloads:5179
Download:pdf 013.PDF
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