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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NORD 1990:57
Report Title:Dependencies, human interactions and uncertainties in probabilistic safety assessment
Activity Acronym:RAS-470
Authors:Stefan Hirschberg (edt.)
Abstract:In the context of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA), three areas were investigated in a 4-year Nordic programme: dependencies with special emphasis on common cause failures, human interactions and uncertainty aspects. The approach was centered around comparative analyses in form of Benchmark/Reference Studies and retrospective reviews. Weak points in available PSAs were identified and recommendations were made aiming at improving consistency of the PSAs. The sensitivity of PSA-results to basic assumptions was demonstrated and the sensitivity to data assignment and to choices of methods for analysis of selected topics was investigated.
Publication date:01 Apr 1990
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7303-454-1
Number of downloads:3040
Download:pdf 107.PDF
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