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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NORD 1990:18
Report Title:Crack arrest - additional safety against catastrophic fracture
Activity Acronym:MAT-550
Authors:Lars Dahlberg (edt.)
Abstract:The theory for analysis of rapid crack growth and arrest is now well developed at least for mainly linear elastic material behaviour. The dynamic fracture properties of the material must, however, be known to enable analysis of rapid crack growth and arrest and to design for crack arrest . The experimental technique for determination of these properties needs further development . Phenomena such as ligaments remaining behind the crack front and curved crack front which often occur in tough materials cause uncertainties in the evaluation of experiments. In order to increase the accuracy in the evaluations, several methods such as ultrasonics, light optics and potential drop have been tested to try to measure the crack front position in the interior of a specimen. The more developed surface method based on strain gauges was used as the reference method for measurement of the crack tip position. The dynamic fracture properties for steel A533 B Cl.l have been evaluated from experiments on large compact crack arrest specimens and compared to data reported in the literature.
Publication date:01 Nov 1989
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7303-402-9
Number of downloads:2967
Download:pdf 101.PDF
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