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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Reactor Safety
Report Number:NORD: 1986-005
Report Title:Nordic Reactor Safety Research 1981 - 85. Summary report of the NKA/SÄK Programme
Activity Acronym:SÄK
Authors:Bjarne Micheelsen
Abstract:National resources in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Finland were put together with Nordic funds in the four-year research programme 1981-85 on selected areas of nuclear safety. The outcome of the programme, edited in four separate reports, is summarized, and important findings are listed in the areas of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), loss-of-coolant accidents with small breaks, heat-transfer correlations, and corrosion in the nuclear industry.
Publication date:01 Jun 1986
Number of downloads:1920
Download:pdf 1008.pdf
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