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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis
Report Number:NORD: 1986-004
Report Title:Risk analysis uses and techniques in the non-nuclear field - a Nordic perspective
Activity Acronym:SÄK-1
Authors:Kurt E. Petersen
Abstract:Techniques for probabilistic risk analysis (PRA) have been analyzed within the Nordic SAK-1 project with special emphasis on their application in nuclear power plants. The results of the project are reviewed with respect to non-nuclear applications. The review is based on discussions with industry in the Nordic countries. It will focus on evaluation and comparison of available computer codes, the importance of reliability and accident data, and the subsequent application of PRA techniques as an aid in the licensing and regulatory process. Areas, which were not included in the S&K-1 project but are of great importance in non-nuclear PRA's, are identified.
Publication date:01 Febr 1986
ISBN:ISBN: 87-550-1192-6
Number of downloads:2160
Download:pdf 141.PDF
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