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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:NORD: 1986-003
Report Title:Emnesorienterte prosjektkataloger - en katalysator for nordisk samarbeid?
Activity Acronym:AVF-3
Authors:Moj Bonnevie-Svendsen
Abstract:There has been a fast development of documentation on databased systems, such as the International Nuclear Information Service (INIS) and the Nordic Energy Index (NEI). By means of "key words" the users of such systems gain access to publications of interest for their work. For those engaged in special subject areas these library-directed systems may have some disadvantages; however: - They are inconveniently extensive and do not provide an easily accessible survey of the work within a specific field. - Work in progress is mostly omitted. With few exceptions documentalists have insufficient contact with the scientists involved to cover unpublished work. The NEI catalogue represents an attempt to improve this. It covers work in progress, at least as far as it can be based on information from the sponsoring authorities. However, in a field like radioactive waste, only a minor fraction of all current Nordic projects are included in the NEI catalogue at present. In order to promote Nordic cooperation in a specified area it can be an advantage to issue a catalogue and distribute it to the scientists engaged in the research. In a Nordic project an attempt was made to establish such a system to aid persons engaged in radioactive waste management. This work, project NKA/AVF-3, is reviewed in the present report. To evaluate the practical implications and benefits of such a catalogue, a specimen copy with about 150 projects was issued in 1982. Data sheets as completed by the responsible scientists were copied directly and arranged according to a simple topical 3-descriptor code with a short supplementary cross-index. Questionnaires concerning the use of such a catalogue and the need for periodical issues were distributed together with the catalogue. On the basis of a positive respons from the users, guidelines for organizing of annual editions were drawn up. It was agreed to utilize established library routines, but in doing so maintain a logical topical arrangement so that the catalogue could be read without complicated search routines. Plans were made up for a 1984 edition concurrently with the corresponding NEI catalogue. The publication was postponed in order to avoid duplication with the 1984 edition of lAEAs Waste Management Research Abstracts (WMRA/15). Instead, suggestions for a future coordination with IAEA/WMRA have been outlined, and eventually they may be implemented after the time allotted for the AVF-3 project has expired. Certain conditions must be fulfilled to enable an expedient edition of such a Nordic catalogue to be published: - The collection of information should be coordinated with other systems, so that the contributing scientists are not bothered with the completion of several parallel questionnaires, - An expert group should be available to keep in contact with the contributing scientists, and to ascertain that the contents are organized in a convenient way, - An adequate economic basis is needed to finance the editorial work and ascertain the free distribution within the Nordic countries to all persons concerned. No decision has been made with regard to publishing further editions of a Nordic project catalogue for radioactive waste. At present the need for such a catalogue is less urgent than in 1982. For an evaluation of future needs the further development of the WMRA and NEI catalogues must be taken into account. During work on the AVF-3 project it was observed that the mere existence of a Nordic catalogue for ongoing projects within a limited field is a useful way to promote contacts among scientists involved in the research. The edition of special subject catalogues can thus be a constructive contribution to Nordic cooperative efforts.
Publication date:01 Febr 1986
Number of downloads:1761
Download:pdf 129.PDF
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