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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:SKI 85:2
Report Title:Management of radioactive waste resulting from nuclear fuel damage
Activity Acronym:AVF-1
Authors:Jan Elkert, Mats Ullberg
Abstract:Additional amounts of radioactive waste are generated in nuclear power reactors in case fuel elements are damaged. Two cases of theoretical damage are studied: Pipe rupture of one of the main circulation loops of the reactor, and blockage of a coolant channel of a fuel assembly. The systems installed for handling of radioactive waste at nuclear power plants in the Nordic countries appear to adequately handle such waste. Higher flexibility in waste management may in certain cases be achieved through additional storage capacities and circulation alternatives.
Publication date:01 Dec 1985
ISBN:ISBN: 91-7810-528-5
Number of downloads:3558
Download:pdf 130.PDF
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