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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Thermo hydraulics
Report Number:NORD: 1985-006
Report Title:Computer codes for small-break loss-of-coolant accidents - a Nordic assessment
Activity Acronym:SÄK-3
Authors:Ole Rathmann (edt.)
Abstract:An assessment of computer codes for analysis of small-break LOCA's is performed. The work comprises the American systems codes TRAC/PF1, RELAP5/MOD1, RELAP5/MOD2 and the Finnish fast-running code SMABRE which are assessed theoretically and by comparative calculations of five small-break LOCA experiments. On this basis comparisons are made of the advantages and drawbacks of each code in order to conclude which should be selected for small-break LOCA analysis, including a recommendation of necessary modifications.
Publication date:01 Sept 1985
ISBN:ISBN: 87-550-1168-3
Number of downloads:12210
Download:pdf 140.PDF
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