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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NORD: 1985-005
Report Title:Corrosion in the nuclear industry - a Nordic survey
Activity Acronym:SÄK-4
Authors:M. Trolle (edt.)
Abstract:Experience with corrosion in Nordic nuclear power pi ants is compared with worldwide experience. Corrosion in seawater systems and its prevention are discussed. Accelerated corrosion tests on stainless steels for use in seawater are evaluated. Some of the work described is part of larger national research programs, such as dealloying of aluminium bronzes and stress corrosion cracking of high strength nickelbase alloys. Finally some alternative materials for nuclear power applications are presented.
Publication date:01 Sept 1985
ISBN:ISBN: 91-38-09200-X
Number of downloads:4489
Download:pdf 138.PDF
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