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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Thermo hydraulics
Report Number:Risø-M-2504
Report Title:Heat transfer correlations in nuclear reactor safety calculations - Vol. I
Activity Acronym:SÄK-5
Authors:H. Abel-Larsen, A. Olsen, J. Miettinen, T. Siikonen, J. Rasmussen, A. Sjöberg, K. Becker
Abstract:Heat transfer correlations, most of them incorporated in the heat transfer packages of the nuclear reactor safety computer programmes RELAP-5, TRAC (PF1) and NORA have been tested against a relevant set of transient and steady-state experiments. In addition to usually measured parameters the calculations provided information on other physical parameters. Results are presented and discussed. The report consists of a main report (Vol.I) and appendices (Vol.II). Chapters 3,4 and 5 of the main report are primarily intended for computer programme users. Chapter 6 is recommended for those looking for main results rather than details. The appendices will be useful for computer programme developers.
Publication date:01 Jun 1985
ISBN:ISBN: 87-550-1109-8
Number of downloads:11342
Download:pdf 137.PDF
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