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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Severe accidents and Reactor Physics
Report Number:NKS-132
Report Title:NKS-R ExCoolSe Mid-term Report. KTH Severe Accidents Research Relevant to the NKS-ExCoolSe
Activity Acronym:EXCoolSE
Authors:Hyun Sun Park, Truc-Nam Dinh
Abstract:The present mid-term progress report is prepared on the recent results from the KTH severe accident research program relevant to the objective of the ExCoolSe project sponsored by the NKS-R program. The previous PRE-MELT-DEL project at KTH sponsored by NKS provided an extensive assessment on the remaining issues of severe accidents in general and suggested the key issues to be resolved such as coolability and steam explosion energetics in ex-vessel which became a backbone of the ExCoolSe project in NKS. The EXCOOLSE project has been integrated with, and leveraged on, parallel research program at KTH on severe accident phenomena – the MSWI project which is funded by the APRI program, SKI in Sweden and HSK in Switzerland and produced more understanding of the key remaining issues. During last year, the critical assessment of the existing knowledge and current SAMG and designs of Nordic BWRs identified the research focus and initiated the new series of research activities toward the resolution of the key remaining issues specifically pertaining to the Nordic BWRs
Keywords:Core Melt and Debris Bed Coolability; Energetic Fuel Coolant Interactions; Severe Accidents
Publication date:01 Apr 2006
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-194-0
Number of downloads:2382
Download:pdf NKS-132.pdf
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