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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-214
Report Title:NordDSS - report from workshop on the use of Decision Support Systems
Activity Acronym:NordDSS
Authors:Jan Erik Dyve (ed.)
Abstract:Nuclear preparedness and response authorities in the Nordic countries are using decision support systems (DSS) as part of their operational capability. A DSS compile, display and analyse data that makes up the current and future radiological state of an emergency. ARGOS and RODOS are the two most common systems in use in the Nordic region. The aim of of the NordDSS workshop was to gather Nordic and international experts on DSS, and share knowledge and experience. The workshop brought together 22 experts for two days in Copenhagen.
Keywords:Nuclear preparedness; Decision support system; ARGOS; RODOS; emergency management systems; GIS
Publication date:01 Mar 2010
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-283-9
Number of downloads:2180
Download:pdf NKS-214.pdf
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