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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-254
Report Title:NOMAGE4 activities, Part I, Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum for Generation IV Reactors: Status and activites in 2011
Activity Acronym:NOMAGE
Authors:Rudi Van Nieuwenhove
Abstract:A network for materials issues has been initiated in 2009 within the Nordic countries. The original objectives of the Generation IV Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum (NOMAGE4) were to form the basis of a sustainable forum for Gen-IV issues, especially focusing on fuels, cladding, structural materials and coolant interaction. Over the last years, other issues such as reactor physics, thermal hydraulics, safety and waste have gained in importance (within the network) and therefore the scope of the forum has been enlarged and a more appropriate and more general name, NORDIC-GEN4, has been chosen for the forum. Further, the interaction with non-Nordic countries (such as The Netherlands (JRC, NRG) and Czech Republic (CVR)) will be increased. Within the NOMAGE4 project, a seminar was organized by IFE-Halden during 30 November – 1 November 2011. The seminar attracted 65 participants from 12 countries. The seminar provided a forum for exchange of information, discussion on future research reactor needs and networking of experts on Generation IV reactor concepts. The participants could also visit the Halden reactor site and the workshop.
Keywords:NOMAGE4, Nordic-Gen-4, seminar, Halden
Publication date:01 Jan 2012
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-326-3
Number of downloads:3521
Download:pdf NKS-254.pdf
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